For  REVIEWS TOP, owner of this website and the organization name REVIEWS TOP, the Protection of Personal Information, its security and confidentiality is important. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the following Privacy Notice, since the information that you as a user provide through this website ( is protected under the terms of this Policy. Of privacy.

We remind you that the use of this website implies acceptance of this  Privacy Policy.

The operations, procedures and technical procedures that are carried out in an automated or non-automated manner and that enable the collection, storage, modification, transfer and other actions on personal data are considered personal data processing  .


PurposeDisclose information for the sale of reviews.
LegitimationConsent of the interested party.
RecipientsNo data will be transferred to third parties, except under legal obligation. Although anonymous analytical results can be transferred at the request of tools installed on the web.
RightsAccess, rectify and delete data, limit and oppose processing, data portability and withdraw consent.
Additional InformationYou can consult additional and detailed information on Data Protection by continuing to read this notice.

 informs users of the website about its policy regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of users that may be collected by browsing through this website and strongly recommends that you continue reading the complete same.


Prior to sending any request for information through any email address on the website, or through our form enabled for this purpose,  the user agrees to read this Privacy Policy,  which for legal purposes means giving  unequivocal, free, consent. specific and informed , to the processing of your personal data for the indicated purposes.

The aforementioned express consent implies the authorization of the processing of your data by  REVIEWS TOP  in the terms established in this Privacy Policy, as well as by the joint controllers and processors with whom  REVIEWS TOP  maintains an obligatory contractual relationship and compliance control.


This website is property of  REVIEWS TOP  and email

REVIEWS TOP  guarantees the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected, having adopted security measures to avoid alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment or access and guarantee the integrity and security of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on development and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, Protection of Personal Data, putting in place the necessary technical means to prevent any alteration, loss , unauthorized access or misuse of the processed data, according to the nature of the data, the state of technology, and the risks to which they are exposed.

The data held by  REVIEWS TOP  have been collected with the explicit consent of the user, prior information of the purposes of the treatment that are expressly indicated in this Privacy Policy through the web form, through legal or contractual legitimation through consent. informed of the registration forms. In this way,  REVIEWS TOP guarantees that  the personal data of Users will not be used for purposes other  than those mentioned in this notice.

For its part, at  REVIEWS TOP  we cannot be  responsible for incidents involving personal data when they arise from an attack or unauthorized access to the systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect due to the security measures implemented or when it is due to a lack of diligence by the User regarding the guard and custody of their access passwords or their own personal data.


REVIEWS TOP  informs users that all personal data provided through this Website, including the IP address, will be treated according to the following purposes:

 Purpose 1: For all web users who request information about the REVIEWS TOP , the purpose of the treatment will be information and any other communication that is considered of interest to the user.

 Purpose 2 : For users who request the makeup service for events, the purpose of the treatment will be the  management of reservations for the  corresponding day or part of the time, as well as dedicated staff.

In addition,  REVIEWS TOP  may carry out the following activities for which it processes data resulting from cookie analytics and other web storage devices:

  • Segmented advertising management.
  • Legal obligations, in the event of a requirement to use, preserve or retain personal information for legal compliance reasons such as the prevention, detection or investigation of a crime, prevention of loss or fraud or to comply with internal and external audit requirements, with our objectives of information security, protection of personal data and/or crime prevention, which may lead to their processing.

We will not use your data for any other purpose not expressed in this privacy policy, nor will we send additional unsolicited information with your express consent.

The period of data conservation will depend on the purpose and need of the treatment. In any case, they will be deleted at the user’s request, unless some rule prevents their destruction.


REVIEWS TOP will not transfer data to third parties without having obtained their authorization through express consent from users. However, you can transfer metrics and analytics requested by computer tools installed on the website owned by other than the  REVIEWS TOP  since we use third-party tools and services to manage this website as well as to carry out analytics and advertising campaigns. email marketing, surveys, etc. Some of these services may be owned by third parties residing outside the European Union (Google, WordPress, etc.).

We try to use secure tools whose servers are preferably located in Spain, or failing that, in a member state of the European Union, or that comply with European law in accordance with the guides and recommendations of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, the European Commission and the reference community agreements on international data transfer, including obtaining certification on the Privacy Shield list.

Most of these third parties claim to comply with European data protection regulations and even have their servers and/or headquarters in Europe. However, in the event that international data transfer is necessary, acceptance of this Privacy Policy means that the user expressly consents to the aforementioned transfer having been informed thereof.


At  REVIEWS TOP  we share personal information with third parties in order to provide services or carry out commercial operations in the terms described in this Privacy Policy or when we believe that the law allows or requires it. Most of the time what we share with third parties is non-personal, anonymous or statistical data. When we share personal information, we do so in accordance with the privacy and data security requirements previously reported in each case and under the signature of private data processor contracts.


At  REVIEWS TOP  we have channels on the social networks Facebook, Google +, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube with the main purpose of publishing and disseminating information about our services offered through the web and its various divisions, interacting with users and serving channel of attention and social interaction.

You may also see personal images of yourself. These data have also been collected through the express consent of their owners or legal representatives. In the event that you want to withdraw this consent or that from  REVIEWS TOP  we promptly or permanently delete one or all of the images or recordings, you can send us an email to the following address electronically,  attaching a photocopy of your ID

In the event that you access this website using an application that connects a social network with this website, you will be authorizing the social network to share some  REVIEWS TOP.

It is important that you know that if you have geolocated your accounts on social networks, said location information when sharing on networks will be visible to third parties with whom you share or share your information.

You can obtain more information about the use of your data on these Social Networks by consulting the privacy policy of each of them.


At any time the user can withdraw their consent and exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability provided for in Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 and LO 3/2018 of December 5, by sending an email to

In both cases, the user must accompany a copy of their national identity document, passport or other valid document that identifies them.

You can also use the models and forms that the Spanish Data Protection Agency makes available to you to exercise these rights, which can be found at the following address:


  • Right to information : interested party must be informed in advance in an express, precise and unequivocal manner of, among others, the existence of a file, the possibility of exercising their rights and the person responsible for the treatment.
  • Right of access: allows citizens to know and obtain free information about their personal data undergoing processing.
  • Right to rectification: This right is characterized by allowing us to correct errors, modify data that turns out to be inaccurate or incomplete, and guarantee the certainty of the information being processed.
  • Right of cancellation: Allows you to delete data that turns out to be inadequate or excessive without prejudice to the blocking duty included in the LOPD.
  • Right to object : The right to object is the right of the affected person to not have the processing of his or her personal data carried out or to cease it.
  • Right of limitation:  the user has the right to decide which personal data they do not want to be processed again in the future, and may exercise this right when they have previously challenged their accuracy; when the treatment is illicit and instead of deleting them you decide to limit them for future treatments.

In case of limitation of treatment, the restriction may be lifted if there is consent from the interested party; possibility that the treatment affects the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person; judicial procedure that justifies it; or there is an important reason of public interest based on current legislation.

  • Right to portability : you have the right to receive the personal data provided or to have  REVIEWS TOP  transmit them to another person in charge, in a structured format of common use and machine reading, as long as the treatment is carried out by automated means and the treatment is based on the consent that the User gave one day for one or more specific purposes, or for the execution of a contract to which he was a party.

The right to portability will not apply when transmission is technically impossible; nor when it may negatively affect the rights and freedoms of third parties; nor when the treatment has a mission of public interest based on current legislation.


  • Right to be forgotten : Elimination of names in the search results list.
  • Advertising rights: Right to exclude telephone directories, Right to not receive unwanted advertising, Rights of subscribers and users of telecommunications services,


REVIEWS TOP  to protect the personal data of its users, has security protocols and application of technical and organizational measures appropriate to the state of the art, taking into account the scope, context and purposes of the processing, as well as the risks of variable probability and severity for the rights and freedoms of the interested parties, seeking to be able to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the treatment systems and services.

Furthermore, we are concerned with ensuring the correct selection of data processors, in compliance with Data Protection regulations.

In particular,  REVIEWS TOP  has the following measures:

1.- Privacy and security risk assessment strategy,  as well as a disaster recovery plan designed to safeguard the continuity of our services and to protect our staff and our data.
2.- Implementation of Technical and Organizational Security Measures: REVIEWS TOP ,  states that it applies the technical and organizational measures indicated in this section, to the functions described in this privacy policy. 3rd.- Incident Registry:  being used by REVIEWS TOP staff   to report any incident related to the security of the information and personal data included in the files with personal data they process. 4th.- Periodic training  of our staff to avoid errors in  data management.  REVIEWS TOP  undertakes not to allow access to or processing of files with personal data to personnel who have not received such training. 5th. Identification and Authentication:  REVIEWS TOP  in its access to personal data maintains the following security measures regarding the identification and authentication of users, with access restrictions depending on the need. 6th Staff and collaborators:  we request that our employees and service providers have sufficient knowledge about information security measures. 


In the event of a breach of the security of personal data, provided that it is not unlikely that said breach of security constitutes a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, REVIEWS TOP will notify the Spanish Data Protection  Agency  before 72 hours have elapsed since the incident became known, describing the nature of the violation, the possible consequences that may arise and the measures adopted or proposed to remedy the security breach; and if possible, the categories and approximate number of interested parties and data affected will be made known.

In addition,  REVIEWS TOP  will notify the interested parties, as soon as possible, when it is likely that the violation of the security of personal data entails a high risk for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, describing the possible consequences that could arise and the measures adopted or proposed to remedy the security breach.


The personal data provided to   REVIEWS TOP  will be kept as long as the User does not request its deletion with the purpose of keeping them informed about the actions promoted by  REVIEWS TOP  and as long as they are appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed in accordance to this Privacy Policy. Data related to billing may not be deleted before the mandatory 5-year duration.


In the  “Cookie Policy” link  we inform you that this   REVIEWS TOP website  may use cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the user who accesses this website) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct functioning and visualization of the site, to share on social networks and, in some cases, to carry out analysis of evaluation statistics and proposals for improvement.

To obtain these analyzes this website can store certain information in the server logs automatically through the use of cookies, for example the IP is considered personal data,   REVIEWS TOP  uses cookies that record IP addresses during access and navigation. through this website to analyze and measure access and time spent on the different pages of this website, and draw conclusions about the traffic trend on the website; but in   REVIEWS TOP  we do not associate IP addresses, or other data generated by the use of cookies, or the results of metrics, with identifiable information of people, nor to collect personal information, although occasionally it may serve us to direct advertising or segment users. to whom to direct it.

It is convenient that as a user you know that we use Internet tools and platforms that install cookies that do not depend on us, so it is possible that the owners of said tools use such data for other uses, for which we are not  responsible  .

For this reason, it is advisable that you read the Cookies policy to know what our cookies are and our policy on them.


Following the instructions of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, minors under 14 years of age should not transfer their personal data to  REVIEWS TOP  without the prior consent of their parents or guardians.

In the event that  REVIEWS TOP  considers the transfer of personal data by minors to be non-compliant, it may either attempt to obtain the consent of the guardian or legal representative or it will automatically delete the data.


As a user, you accept and guarantee that the personal data you provide are true, and you are solely responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, that may be caused to  REVIEWS TOP  as responsible for this website or to a third party, if you complete any form with false or false data. of third parties causing deception, damage or harm.

Please inform us of any variation that may occur in the data provided by sending an email to


REVIEWS TOP  expressly prohibits the user from sharing, facilitating or transferring third-party data to anyone that may be obtained as a result of contact, interaction or browsing or consulting through this website, except if the user can prove the express authorization of the user whose data it seeks. give. The image of people is also considered personal data; no one can use it without the express consent of its owner.

As a user, you acknowledge assuming your responsibility by agreeing to hold   REVIEWS TOP harmless  from any possible claim, penalty, fine or sanction that it may be forced to bear as a result of the user’s failure to comply with the duty described.

If you provide us with personal data of other people, you must do so with their consent and having previously informed them of the points contained in this Privacy Policy.


REVIEWS TOP  is based in Spain, so it is bound by Spanish and European laws on Data Protection.

The User accepts that claims or complaints against  REVIEWS TOP  that come from or are related to the use of this website and more specifically with the processing of their personal data will be resolved by the court of competent jurisdiction located in Cádiz.

If the User accesses this site from a location outside of Spain, they are responsible for complying with all local and international laws that apply to you.


REVIEWS TOP  may modify this privacy policy at any time by publishing it on this website, which will always include the date of the last applicable update.


From the  REVIEWS TOP team , a commercial name owned by  ASOCIACIONMUSEKE.ORG , we would like to inform the user that if they browse this website or use any of the services we offer through it, they acquire, from the first  moment , the condition of user and, therefore,  these rules constitute a contract between REVIEWS TOP and the user regarding the use of this website, its links and any downloadable content found on it  since this is established by the applicable regulations on information society services. and electronic commerce (Law 34/2002 LSSI-CE)

Accessing and browsing the website  implies express acceptance of the “ Conditions of Use”, the “Privacy and Data Protection Policy and Cookies Policy”  in accordance with Law 24/2002 LSSI-CE. Likewise, we strongly recommend that the user read exhaustively each of the legal texts on the website.

If you do not agree with  the “Conditions of Use”, the “Privacy and Data Protection Policy” or the “Cookies Policy”, you  must refrain from using this website. If you continue on the website you need to understand that :

  • The user declares to have read, understood and understood what is stated here.
  • The user agrees to respect the obligations and rules contained in this website.
  • The user, in the terms set out in the “Privacy and Data Protection Policy”, declares to have been informed of their rights.
  • The user declares that all the information provided is true and accurate, without limitations, reservations or falsehoods; being solely responsible for erroneous, false or inaccurate statements.


REVIEWS TOP  with CIF G-72179666 is the owner, owner and manager of the website and its blog at Out of a commitment to transparency and our users, we provide the tax and contact information of  REVIEWS TOP .


  •  Owner name : REVIEWS TOP, Ibrasajid
  • Email:

The website offers users access to the website and the integrated platform, which includes information about its learning services, online and in-person courses. , events, blog, facilities and classrooms, and its teaching professionals.


For the REVIEWS TOP team,   it is essential that you know and understand some basic terminology that we will use in our legal texts:

  • Contents:  Texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, downloadable of any type, expressions and information belonging to REVIEWS TOP or third parties to which the User may  have  access through
  • Cookies:  These are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each User so that the server remembers it. This information will be read only by the server that implemented it.
  • Services:  Set of services offered by the Web either directly through it or through information.
  • Web:  Internet site accessible at the address:
  • Owner:  Person (natural or legal) who owns or is responsible for the Website
  • User:  Any person who browses the web.


As we have already announced, what is contained in this legal notice and conditions of use has the legal status of  CONTRACT and therefore represents an obligation between the parties (REVIEWS TOP and the user).

Browsing this website attributes to you, from the beginning, the status of user, and this will be considered a  free, specific, informed and unequivocal acceptance. We take this opportunity to remind you that if you decide not to accept these conditions, you must refrain from using the website and its content, including any link that this page redirects and its content.

You can trust the legality of this website . In compliance with European regulations and quality standards in relation to consumers, all legal texts in  REVIEWS TOP  have been written by legal experts.


The website, the pages it comprises and the information or elements contained therein, hereinafter the CONTENT, are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, which REVIEWS TOP is the owner and/or holds a license or express authorization for their use and public communication by the legitimate third parties who own them for inclusion on this website.

Specifically,  the user is not authorized to proceed with the reproduction ,  total or partial reinterpretation, use, exploitation, distribution, alteration, dissemination, sale, for commercial purposes of the contents of this website without the prior express authorization of REVIEWS TOP.

Any use not previously authorized will be considered a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights, and compensation may be claimed in this regard.


REVIEWS TOP  authorizes the user to view the content of this website, as well as to make private reproductions, as long as the elements are intended solely for personal use, expressly prohibiting any type of use of the CONTENT of the website for professional use. and/or economic.

Private reproductions of the content will not be legitimized as long as they address rights related to industrial property, whether of the Owner or a third party, or require the exercise of some type of economic consideration or not.

The user is obliged to  use the service and the content diligently and correctly,  in accordance with the law, morality, public order and these terms and conditions.

REVIEWS TOP  expressly prohibits illegal activities or activities that constitute a crime, that violate the rights of third parties or that violate any rule of the legal system. If this prohibition is not complied with and as long as  REVIEWS TOP is aware  , the relevant legal mechanisms will be followed to cease and/or claim the damages caused.

In no case will it be understood that any authorization or license is granted, nor that any waiver, transmission, total or partial assignment of said rights is made, nor that any right or expectation of right is conferred without the prior, explicit and written consent of part of  REVIEWS TOP  and/or its administrators or agents.


This website may contain links to other websites or mention other cooperative websites, for which those responsible will be the owners.

REVIEWS TOP is not responsible in any way for any problems or violations of rights that websites owned by sites may pose to the user. 

REVIEWS TOP  does not recommend, promote or identify with, nor guarantee, represent, sponsor, or endorse any website linked to or owned by third parties that may be commercially named by users. REVIEWS TOP  does not know the contents and services of the linked sites or third parties that appear on our website and, therefore, is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for damages of any kind caused by the content and/or services of the links. Websites or for any other damage that is not directly attributable to this website.

The REVIEWS TOP team   appreciates that in the event that the user considers that there is a Web link with illicit or inappropriate content, they should notify us at the email address, committing us to the elimination of the content, or the link, as soon as possible, without in any case liability being derived for  REVIEWS TOP .


 4.1 USER RIGHTS. All visitors to the website, by the mere fact of acquiring the status of users and browsing the website, have the following rights:

  • You have the right to clear, concise and updated information about the services offered.
  • You have the right to know the associated expenses.
  • You have the right not to provide personal data that is not necessary for the operation in question.
  • You have the right to the protection of your personal data,
  • They have the right to be informed about the purpose and subsequent uses of personal data collected. And for this information to be understandable by the general public.
  • You have the possibility of exercising your rights to access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability and forgetting of your personal data. And that these rights are exercised not only by electronic means but also by physical means. Likewise, the user has the right to obtain a response. For more information about these rights and their exercise or response period, go to the  “Privacy and Data Protection Policy” link.
  • You have the right to receive personalized attention through alternative means to email, in accordance with your rights. If the service is related to service or commercial information, you must adhere to customer service hours.
  • You have the right to be informed of receiving commercial information or advertising and to freely grant your consent.
  • You have the right to be informed of the use and purpose of cookies or other data storage devices, if any. For more information about it, we recommend going to the “Cookie Policy” link  .


As a user, you agree to make  appropriate use  of the content, services and tools that are accessible through this website, subject to the Law, morality and public order as well as these Conditions of Use, respecting at all times to other users of it.

For this reason you expressly agree to hold  REVIEWS TOP  harmless from any liability to any person that may arise from improper use of the Web Content on your part, either with respect to the Conditions of Use or legality.

In the event of total or partial breach by the user of these Conditions of Use,  REVIEWS TOP  will have the right to deny access to without prior notice to the user and to make a claim, if it deems appropriate. , damages caused by non-compliance.


As a user, you must respect the theme and dynamics of the website, making appropriate use of the services and content, especially:  REVIEWS TOP authorizes you to view, download and print the Content  of the WEBSITE always under the following CONDITIONS:

  • You must do so solely for your  personal, non-commercial use .
  • You must not disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content, without authorization from the owners of the intellectual and industrial property rights that may apply to such information, element or content; nor information, element or content that violates fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized constitutionally and in international treaties; nor that it constitutes illegal or unfair advertising, nor that it involves a violation of the secrecy of communications and personal data legislation, nor photographs or any other type of representation or image of minors;
  • You must not introduce or disseminate any false, misleading, ambiguous or inaccurate information and content in a way that misleads or may mislead other users receiving the information;
  • Do not disseminate content or propaganda that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, in support of terrorism or that violates human rights;
  • You must not use this website to send unsolicited or expressly consented advertising;
  • You must not impersonate other users;
  • You must not use the Content of the website to carry out illicit, illegal or contrary activities to good faith and public order;
  • You must not modify the Content of the Website;
  • You must not delete or modify any mention or notification regarding the ownership of copyright, trademarks, or any other provision on intellectual property included in the Website Content.

The user undertakes to hold  REVIEWS TOP harmless  from any possible claim, fine, penalty or sanction that may be forced to be borne as a result of the User’s failure to comply with the aforementioned usage rules; also reserving the right to request compensation for damages that, if applicable, correspond.


REVIEWS TOP cannot guarantee the correct functioning or usefulness of its website or blog content at since they may be prevented by circumstances beyond the control of the REVIEWS TOP team. .

Specifically, it does not assume any responsibility for damages, losses, claims or expenses, caused by:

  • Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, delays, blockages or disconnections, caused by errors in telecommunications lines and networks or by any other external cause.
  • Illegitimate intrusions through the use of malware of any type and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other.
  • For not seeing the expectations of users in relation to the website and/or its features or contents met.
  • Access by minors to the content included on the website.

Specifically, and without limitation,  REVIEWS TOP  will not be responsible for damages of any nature derived from:

  • The contents, information, opinions and statements of any User or third parties or entities that communicate through the Service.
  • The use that users may make of the materials included on the website, whether prohibited or permitted, in violation of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, confidential information, contents of the Service or third parties.
  • The carrying out of acts of unfair competition and illicit advertising or the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, the rights to honor, personal and family privacy and image, of property rights and all other rights belonging to a third party due to the transmission, dissemination, storage, making available, reception, obtaining or access to the contents.
  • The eventual loss of user data due to causes not attributable to the Service.

In this way, REVIEWS TOP is not responsible for the information and content stored on platforms, forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means that allow third parties to publish content independently on this website.

However, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE,  REVIEWS TOP  makes available to all users, authorities and security forces, to actively collaborate in the withdrawal, or, where appropriate, blocking, of all content that could affect or contravene the national or international legislation, rights of third parties or morality and public order.

Thus, if the user considers that there may be some illegitimate content, we would appreciate it if he or she notifies us immediately through the following email:


REVIEWS TOP  reserves the right to delete any comment or contribution that violates the rules of use of this website, the law, morality or public order.

The use of the blog to include promotional, destructive, insulting comments or comments that go against the good tone of the website or any of its users is totally prohibited.

From the  REVIEWS TOP team , we are committed to controlling the use of our blog by third parties and we seek the deletion, cancellation, elimination of any harmful comments, but in no case can  REVIEWS TOP be held responsible  for the opinions that users may give. However, we will be happy to collaborate with any user or authority who considers including a harmful comment on our blog, and for this we provide the following email:


REVIEWS TOP  in compliance with Spanish regulations on the protection of personal data, guarantees full compliance with the obligations described therein, as well as the implementation of the security measures contemplated in the Law on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Rights Digital (Law 3/2018 onwards, LOPD) and European Regulation (EU) 2016/679, onwards RGPD.

For more information about the processing of your data, it is important that you read and know the  “Data Protection and Privacy Policy”  and the  “Cookies Policy”  of this website. For this reason, the REVIEWS TOP team   once again recommends reading and understanding it and refraining from using the website or any of its content/services if you do not agree with them.

You need to know that at  REVIEWS TOP  we collect personal data through contact forms, employment and collaboration applications, and the platform integrated into this website and those to which it redirects under the same ownership.

The use of your personal data will be to commercially offer our services, information about courses and job applications.

Although it is necessary to accept the  “Privacy and Data Protection Policy” in which you are informed in more detail about the use and processing of your data, every user has the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, limitation, portability. , cancellation or opposition, through the following email:

In the  “Cookie Policy”  we inform you that the website has Cookies in order to make its services more valid, so please consult the Privacy section and Cookies.


REVIEWS TOP  is based in Spain, so it is bound by Spanish and European laws on Data Protection.

The User accepts that claims or complaints against  REVIEWS TOP  that come from or are related to the use of this website and more specifically with the processing of their personal data will be resolved by the court of competent jurisdiction.

If the User accesses this site from a location outside of Spain, they are responsible for complying with all local and international laws that apply to you.


REVIEWS TOP  may modify this legal notice at any time by publishing it on this Website, which will always include the date of the last applicable update.